Sunday, August 31, 2014

Muted Demolition at the Dinner Table

Concept Sketch:

Final Piece: 

Prompt: "Your Greatest Fear"

Because nothing scares me more than internalized self destruction.

Time:12-14 hours

Taiwan I Miss You

Another portfolio piece done during my senior year of high school! The prompt was "Childhood Memories".

What I remember the most from my trips back to my mother's hometown in Hualien, Taiwan were the open markets where my sister and I dawdled around while our relatives did their shopping.The vendors there were good humored enough to let us play around and try to catch rice eels with our hands even though we were obviously agitating the poor things (though I suspect this was because they knew this would prompt my grandma to buying some for dinner).

It's been 10 years since I last visited and since I was born in California, I've felt very distanced from my ethnic background. I don't want to just rely on bits and pieces of memories I had as a child to try to capture that feeling of "home" and I hate that I still have trouble familiarizing the way mandarin sounds in my mouth because I've spent so long avoiding that aspect of myself and never putting in the time and effort to learn more. That being said, I hope to revisit Taiwan soon, it's really been too long.

Changing the Light Is No Easy Task

I finished this painting (roughly 2 x 4.5 feet, Acrylic paint) a few months ago on my high school's ceiling tile before I graduated and without doubt, this was easily one of the largest pieces I've ever worked on. Luckily it was placed high enough on the ceiling that the people craning their necks up can't get close enough to notice the angry brush strokes inflicted on the canvas by a teenager on the brink of a internal tantrum. Which I suppose worked in my favor in the end.