Thursday, June 19, 2014

What Comes After Rain

From sketch to final product:

The water in the buckets was done using Quick Water's Simulated Water that I bought in the floral section of my local art store. Admittedly I grew a bit power hungry after discovering this product and thus began a year long obsession where I would incorporate it in as many sculptures as I could, regardless of necessity. Case in point, I now have two boxes of the stuff crammed in my closet that have yet to be used. 

That being said, I recommend using the mixing package rather than the one that involves melting the gel over boiling water since it dries more firmly and it's easier to clean if dust begins to collect on the surface.

Time: 12 hours on sculpture plus an additional 2-3 hours spent editing and digitally painting. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

"Sister" Series

Finally posting up this sculpture series that I completed a couple of months ago for my AP portfolio!
The central idea for this series revolves around the existence of possibility and how it is especially present in early ages and each concept is inspired by certain childhood memories and games shared between my sister and I. 

Just to paraphrase the description I wrote for the submission requirements, "As you grow older, it becomes increasingly more difficult to find possibility in everyday life without questioning its validity. Though this sense of rationality and conclusive thinking is a natural part of self-growth, I wanted to further explore the mindset of adolescents who have the effortless ability of seeing things larger than life. Using a mixed medium of sculpture and digital painting, this series intends to imitate a feeling of adventure and unfiltered joy that is commonly expressed by those at a young age. The focus is not on the time that passes but the exploration of the world around them through their eyes. By making this sense of exuberance and creativity the primary focus, this series is not so much about a chronological growth as it is a celebration of the past."

Look who's back again

Hey guys, I'm really sorry for the lack of updates on my part these past few months but I will be getting back to regular updates with some new projects that I'm hoping to get finished during the summer. (including putting up some old sculpture pictures that I should I have gotten to posting a long time ago) Thanks for all your patience and I'll try my best not to disappoint.